Jerrybrice's Blog
The intersection of animation, entertainment, and politics

Posts Tagged ‘trade

Mystery Solved!!!..It WAS Congressman Anthony Weiner’s-Weiner Photo He Tweeted Over The Internets!!!…Chris Lee Says He Should Resign!

June 6, 2011

The nation breathed a sigh of relief this afternoon as the great national mystery surrounding the identity of the penis photo that was sent from the Twitter account of New York Democratic congressman Anthony Weiner. (Should Congressman Weeny Weiner Resign for Tweeting A Pic Of His D*ck!?!) The esteemed congressman swore that his twitter account […]

Watch Drunk Driving, Ranting,Ohio Priest Father Ignatius Kury,Offer To Be The Cops ‘Kinky Sexual Slave’ And Other Un-Godly, Sordid,Unseamly Sexual Favors If They Release Him!!!

March 5, 2011

…Finally, a priest that fit’s the eclectic taste of the audience on the internet!!!…this father is made for new media, and has gone viral!!!(Drunk Priest-HBO) A drunk driving Brimfield Township, Ohio holy priest, Father Ignatius Kury,35, was caught on tape Sunday night swearing, ranting and crying after an arrest on a drunken-driving charge ,after police found him lying […]

Perverted Sexting Neocon NY Rep. Christopher Lee Resigns After Sending Sexy Shirtless Photo To An Alleged “Woman” He Met On Craigslist!!!…Another GOP Sexual Deviant

February 10, 2011

The Republican majority in the House just got a little smaller, as today, one of the conservative, moral majority Republican leaders abruptly resigned today, over…what else, a sex-texting scandal.(Source) U.S. House of Representatives, Rep. Christopher Lee, R-N.Y,46,who has represented the western New York 26th Congressional District for the past two years, resigned his seat Wednesday, after a shirtless […]

N.Y Store Owner Fights Off A Robber With A Trash Can(Video)

November 9, 2010

The NYPD has dubbed this burglar as the “Trash Bandit”! The AP is reporting that the New York Police Department has released surveillance video showing the owner of a store using a trash can to fight off a knife-wielding robber who was taking money out of the cash register.(NY Post) Mohammed Esa, the owner of the Park […]

Watch A Brave Woman Fight Off L.A Purse Snatcher!!!…She Really Likes That Purse!(VIDEO)

October 1, 2010

What you are witnessing in the video above is a classic Grab and Run robbery, where the intended victim was to be relieved of the purse she is carrying around her shoulder. The goal of a grab and run robbery, is to come from behind someone, and suddenly attack them,but mainly snatch from them whatever […]

Strip Club Hired 14-year-old…Manager Faces Public Child Sexual Exploitation,Abuse, And Pedophilia Charges!!!!

April 28, 2010

Child prostitution and sexual exploitation runs rampant and is commonplace in some countries in South East Asia, and man pedophiles and perverts travel to those countries on sex tours, specifically to have sex with a minor child.(VIDEO) It is reprehensible, and sickening, and is aggressively prosecuted and discouraged in the United States. [picapp align=”left” wrap=”true” […]

Loser Lindsay Lohan’s New Career Move…Lohan Suing E*Trade for 100 Million!!!!…Claims She Owns The Name Lindsay And No Other Human Being Can Use It!!!

March 9, 2010

I once had to calm my Aunt Betty down,because she was mad at the ABC primetime series ‘Ugly Betty’ using her name “Betty”, and calling her ugly. I explained to her that millions upon millions of people all over the world are named Betty, and that they were not personally referring to her as being […]

Sarah Palin Slams ‘Family Guy’ Producers Over Using The “R” Word….

February 16, 2010

Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin slammed the producers of the TV show “Family Guy” over a joke by a character with Down Syndrome…. …Bad cartoon!!!…just kidding!![picapp align=”right” wrap=”false” link=”term=family+guy&iid=7375080″ src=”5/5/6/b/Family_Guy_Something_192b.jpg?adImageId=10384053&imageId=7375080″ width=”234″ height=”364″ /] I like “Family Guy”, it’s a very entertaining show,and one of my former animation students, Dave Sherburne, is an assistant Director on […]