Jerrybrice's Blog
The intersection of animation, entertainment, and politics

Posts Tagged ‘Bureau

N.Y Store Owner Fights Off A Robber With A Trash Can(Video)

November 9, 2010

The NYPD has dubbed this burglar as the “Trash Bandit”! The AP is reporting that the New York Police Department has released surveillance video showing the owner of a store using a trash can to fight off a knife-wielding robber who was taking money out of the cash register.(NY Post) Mohammed Esa, the owner of the Park […]

Watch A Brave Woman Fight Off L.A Purse Snatcher!!!…She Really Likes That Purse!(VIDEO)

October 1, 2010

What you are witnessing in the video above is a classic Grab and Run robbery, where the intended victim was to be relieved of the purse she is carrying around her shoulder. The goal of a grab and run robbery, is to come from behind someone, and suddenly attack them,but mainly snatch from them whatever […]