Jerrybrice's Blog
The intersection of animation, entertainment, and politics

Posts Tagged ‘Family Guy

Sarah Palin Spoke Too Soon!!!… `Family Guy’ Actress Has Down Syndrome In Real Life!!!

February 20, 2010

How ironic!!! The woman who portrayed a character with Down’s Syndrome on the Fox animated comedy “Family Guy,”Andrea Fay Friedman,40, enraging Sarah Palin, actually has Down Syndrome and says the former Alaska Governor needs to lighten up.(SOURCE) Sarah Palin and her single mother teenage daughter Bristol Palin,19, have been on a weeklong Fox news orchestrated […]

Sarah Palin Slams ‘Family Guy’ Producers Over Using The “R” Word….

February 16, 2010

Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin slammed the producers of the TV show “Family Guy” over a joke by a character with Down Syndrome…. …Bad cartoon!!!…just kidding!![picapp align=”right” wrap=”false” link=”term=family+guy&iid=7375080″ src=”5/5/6/b/Family_Guy_Something_192b.jpg?adImageId=10384053&imageId=7375080″ width=”234″ height=”364″ /] I like “Family Guy”, it’s a very entertaining show,and one of my former animation students, Dave Sherburne, is an assistant Director on […]