Jerrybrice's Blog
The intersection of animation, entertainment, and politics

Posts Tagged ‘boy

Stop Biting!!!…Will The “Real” Apple Store Kid Please Stand Up!!!

April 19, 2011

Back in the 50’s, before civil rights had reached America,it was a typical business practice for the record labels to re-record hit records popularized in the African-American audience by Black artist, with a white, conservative singer,to make the record safe for the white audience.(Race Records-PBS) Pat Boone and Elvis Presley recorded sanitized cover versions of […]

Former Pelham Police Chief Edward Fleury Found Not Guilty For Gun Show Uzi Death Of 8 Year-Old Christopher Bizilj!!!

January 14, 2011

A Massachusetts jury has acquitted the organizer of a gun show, former Pelham Police Chief Edward Fleury not guilty on Friday of involuntary manslaughter and other charges in the death of Christopher Bizilj of Ashford, Conn. The charge carried up to 20 years on prison.(Reuters) Christopher Bizilj, of Ashford, Conn.accidentally shot himself to death firing a 9 […]

Incredibly Lucky Bouncing Baby 3 Year-Old Boy Survives Fall From 3 Story Building In Turkey!!!(Raw Video)

July 31, 2010

Security cameras in Adiyaman City, Southeast Turkey, captured 3 year-old Bayram Altinkaya ,falling from a three-story balcony on to a pile of plastic pipes stacked below.(VIDEO) Bayram’s mother said he was …”hanging from the balcony of his house when his hands slipped and he fell”… as she had briefly stepped into the house, so little Bayram […]

Returned Adopted Boy Celebrates His Birthday in Russia

April 16, 2010

Russian and U.S. officials have given birthday gifts to the 8-year-old boy who was returned to Russia by his adoptive American mother. The face of the child was blurred in the video provided to The Associated Press, and the pictures have his face obscured because he is a minor.Some news outlets have chosen to publish […]

Convicted Wife-Killer,Henry Lisowski, 69,Found Dead In Vista,Ca. Jail…He Killed Her Over Child Support!!!!!

March 26, 2010

The  notoriously disturbing case of convicted wife killer Henry Lisowski,69, has come to a sudden and unexpected ending yesterday, as the elderly convicted killer was found dead in his cell at the Vista County Jail cell. Henry Lisowski was convicted on March 2nd, for the first degree murder of his estranged wife, Rosa Lisowski,50. There was also […]

Terrifying!!!…Boy Dials 911 During Home Invasion(VIDEO)

March 10, 2010

A 7-year-old boy in Norwalk,California,talks to a 911 dispatcher in Los Angeles County as armed men break into his family’s home. The boy locked himself and a sister in a bathroom. The men broke into the bathroom and fled when the boy said he called police. I am pretty sure that this kid will get […]

Randy Couture Taps Out Mark Coleman In Second Round At UFC 109!!!

February 7, 2010

[picapp align=”center” wrap=”false” link=”term=randy+couture&iid=7818344″ src=”5/3/d/1/UFC_COUTURE_vs_c9ab.jpg?adImageId=9985363&imageId=7818344″ width=”380″ height=”572″ /] UFC’s ageless hero, Randy Couture choked out the game veteran fighter and the original UFC heavyweight champion, Mark Coleman in 69 seconds into Round 2 bringing to an abrupt ending for the main event at tonight’s UFC 109 Pay-Per-View event!!! The action started off immediately as Randy Couture […]

Balloon Boy Dad Cries Sorry; Judge Gives Jail Time

December 23, 2009

The Colorado man who carried out the balloon boy hoax choked back tears as he apologized for the stunt, before a judge read out his punishment for the hoax. Richard Heene has been sentenced to 90 days in jail. [picapp align=”center” wrap=”false” link=”term=*&iid=7426134″ src=”5/5/c/2/Balloon_Boy_Parents_0749.JPG?adImageId=8575348&imageId=7426134″ width=”234″ height=”307″ /] I think he needed a little time-out to […]