Jerrybrice's Blog
The intersection of animation, entertainment, and politics

Posts Tagged ‘Poverty

Republican-Tea Baggers Want To Continue To Give Huge Tax Breaks To Companies That Manufacture American Products Overseas,.. Simply Because President Obama Is Against It!!!

October 17, 2010

The issue is as simple as this…President Obama is campaigning for new tax laws designed to keep jobs in this country,America,and the Republican party wants to fight him on this, because their political lobbyist and donors make all their money by sending all of our American manufacturing jobs overseas, mainly to China.(Source) [picapp align=”center” wrap=”false” […]

Stunning Beauty Diandra Forrest,…Supermodel!!!!…Representing For Black Beauty And For Cuties With Albinism…

May 7, 2010

If you have not heard of or seen Supermodel Diandra Forrest, then make sure you do a deep internet search for her in Google,Bing,Yahoo…etc…whatever, and get in on the next new thing:Diandra Forrest is here to stay, and will not be denied!!! Diandra is representing for Black women on all levels of the spectrum…and hers […]

11 Year Old Child In Texas Gives Birth To Baby Boy!!!

February 5, 2010

[picapp align=”center” wrap=”false” link=”term=pregnant+belly&iid=2664363″ src=”7/a/9/5/PicImg_Mongolian_Street_Children_e644.jpg?adImageId=9938424&imageId=2664363″ width=”332″ height=”354″ /] An arrest has been made in a disturbingly shocking case of child sexual abuse and assault that is all too common in the world today. An 11-year-old child in Alvin,Texas has given birth to a baby boy, and upon his birth, DNA test were taken for the […]

This Only Happens To Black People In Natural Disasters!!!…U.S. Stops Medical Flights From Haiti Due To A ‘Cost Dispute’….

January 31, 2010

Are you kidding me!!!…This story took my breath away as I thought that I could not be surprised by any level of hypocrisy and hatred that could be piled upon our people, but this indignity has even surpassed my low expectations that I have become accustomed to, as it has to do with the treatment […]

Mudslide Kills Dozens at Brazilian Resort

January 2, 2010

Brazilian authorities say a huge slab of hillside loosened by torrential rain slid down a slope Friday and buried homes and a waterfront lodge at a resort near Rio de Janeiro, killing at least 15 people. The mud destroyed three houses and an upmarket lodge on Ilha Grande, Angra dos Reis, near Rio de Janeiro. […]

Gold Medal Twin Olympian Calvin Harrison Homeless…What Went Wrong?

December 11, 2009

Calvin Harrison (born January 20, 1974) was a former Olympic gold medalist, famously winning the 4×400 relay with his twin brother Alvin, and legendary sprinter Michael Johnson, at the 2000 Summer Olympic games that were held in Sydney,Australia.  At the 2000 Olympics, Alvin Harrison and Calvin Harrison made history by becoming the first twins ever to […]

African Albinos Hunted And Slaughtered For Good Luck Charms In Tanzania

October 3, 2009

I have been aware for some time of Albino’s in some African countries are being hunted down and killed whenever their existence is discovered. Their arms and legs are being brutally cut off, and …used in a grisly trade inspired by a renegade set of witch doctors; they claim potions made of the blood, skin […]