Jerrybrice's Blog
The intersection of animation, entertainment, and politics

Posts Tagged ‘two and a half men

Charlie Sheen Opening Night Of Live Torpedo Of Truth Comedy Show Get’s Torpedoed With Boos As Charlie Exits Stage Left…He is Not Winning In Detroit!

April 3, 2011

Last night, the live audience attending Charlie Sheen’s live performance on stage at his “My Violent Torpedo of Truth/Defeat is Not an Option” tour, decided that staying to see the train wreck of a show to its conclusion was not an option.(Source) The sold-out 4,700-audience members booed  him off the stage as he berated the audience and […]

(NSFW)Current Teacher And Ex-Porn Star Tericka Dye aka Rikki Andersin Resigns From Classroom After Students Discover Her Sex Star Past While Trolling The Web For Porn!!!

March 9, 2011

So what’s the big deal?…a public schoolteacher in St.Louis,Mo. has been forced to resign her teaching position because her horny students discovered her porn star past while trolling the internet to watch free porn!(Source) Upon the discovery of this information being uncovered by the students, their parents became outraged that the porn star was teaching […]

Charlie Sheen Makes A Drugged Out,Cocaine Fueled $1Million Dollar Demand For A Raise On The ‘Today Show’ This Morning!!!…Will It Work?

March 1, 2011

Coked out, delusional, drug ravaged actor and former star of the hit CBS TV series “Two And A Half Men” Charlie Sheen,45,gave a rambling irrational interview this morning on NBC’s Today show declaring war between himself and his former employers at CBS, and demanded that they’ lick his boots’ and apologize to him, and give him […]

Porn Star Kacey Jordan’s “Serious Sex-Services” Finally Caused Charlie Sheen To Be Rushed To The Hospital On A Stretcher After Out Partying Him All Night Long!!!(NSFW)

January 27, 2011

Breaking News- Actor Charlie Sheen,45, has been rushed to the hospital, taken out of his home on a stretcher,this morning around 6:30am 7am, after reportedly partying all night with porn star Kacey Jordan.(TMZ) TMZ Broke the news that Sheen was taken from his home on a stretcher, and that someone at the hospital told them Sheen’s condition was […]

Charlie Sheen Makes A Plea Bargain,And Gets 30 Days In Jail For Assaulting His Current Wife Brooke In Aspen…

June 2, 2010 is reporting that Charlie Sheen, 44, will enter a plea of no contest to a misdemeanor assault charge on his current wife Brooke Mueller and will have to serve a short jail sentence of 30 days in an Aspen, Colorado prison. With credit for good behavior, a possible 30-day jail sentence could be reduced […]

Charlie Sheen’s Stolen SUV Found At The Bottom Of A Canyon On Mulholland Drive

February 5, 2010

Controversial actor Charlie Sheen’s stolen SUV was found crashed at the bottom of a ravine early this morning on Mulholland Drive, in Sherman Oaks, close to the actors house. It was overturned, but no body was found in it, or near it, and there are no reports of injuries. The police received an emergency alert […]