Jerrybrice's Blog
The intersection of animation, entertainment, and politics

Posts Tagged ‘Mario McNeill

Grandma Pimps Out Her 10 Year Old Grand Daughter For SEX …To Support Her Crack Habit!!!!….Truly Human Trash!!!!

March 25, 2010

Thank God for Nancy Grace!!!…she is a defending angel for all the murdered,missing, kidnapped, exploited and abused children here in America. Last night on her show on CNN,she brought light to this horrendous story chronicled in the video, of unimaginable child abuse, sexual molestation and basic human brutality and the ultimate betrayal of trust. Mans […]

Pleasure P From The Group Pretty Ricky Convicted Of Child Molestation

December 3, 2009

[picapp align=”center” wrap=”false” link=”term=pleasure+p&iid=5978190″ src=”2/0/e/7/Lil_Wayne_Young_b6e5.jpg?adImageId=8009656&imageId=5978190″ width=”380″ height=”570″ /] Rumors are ablaze today about the cover up of the child molestation conviction of R & B singer Pleasure P, birth name Marcus Cooper, and the public cover up of the facts of the case by the record label that holds a five album contract with the […]

Shaniya Davis Funeral Attended By Thousands Of Mourners

November 23, 2009

[picapp align=”center” wrap=”false” link=”term=shaniya+davis&iid=7061299″ src=”e/5/9/6/Shaniya_Nicole_Davis_1a52.JPG?adImageId=7759782&imageId=7061299″ width=”380″ height=”312″ /] On Sunday afternoon in  a Fayetteville, North Carolina church, Manna Church, the world,family and friends said goodbye to Shaniya Davis. Shaniya had captured the heart of the world, after it was discovered that her own mother had sold her into bondage as a sex slave,to Mario McNeill, who brutally […]

Mario McNeill is charged with first-degree murder…he raped, sodomized and strangled 5 year old Shaniya Davis

November 20, 2009

This is a story that is truly disturbing for me to report, but it has to happen. The animal that killed Shaniya Davis must be put to death, the sooner the better is my preferance.I have no mercy for this person, Mario McNeil,or her terrible mother,and the people who supported them to be able to […]