Jerrybrice's Blog
The intersection of animation, entertainment, and politics

Posts Tagged ‘Kildare Hotel and Golf Club

Tiger Woods Wife Goes From ‘Barbie Doll To Brenda Richie’!!!

November 28, 2009

[picapp align=”center” wrap=”false” link=”term=elin+nordegren&iid=2453865″ src=”0/d/7/1/2006_Ryder_Cup_af03.jpg?adImageId=7903535&imageId=2453865″ width=”380″ height=”507″ /] The notoriously private Tiger Woods has seen his whole secret undercover world blow-up in his face in the past 48 hrs. due a crash caused by him fleeing his wife, who was beating him with a golf club across his head, after confronting him about his alledged […]