Jerrybrice's Blog
The intersection of animation, entertainment, and politics

Posts Tagged ‘the globe and mail

Woman Walking Dog In Known Bear Country, Attacked By Bear!!!…Park Rangers Vow To Hunt It Down And Kill It,For Some Reason…

November 8, 2010

Another wild black bear searching for food in Washington State, attacks a woman and her dog, walking through known bear territory Gig Harbor, Wash. The dog chased after the bear after seeing it on the side of the road. Armed with nothing but love for her dog, the woman stepped in between the dog and […]

14 Wild,Drugged-Out And Stoned Acting Black Bears Discovered Guarding Million Dollar Marijuana Crop In Canada!!!…They Were Pretty Mellowed-Out!

August 19, 2010

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police,otherwise known as the ‘Mounties’, whose motto is that they always get their man,may have to change that to,well, they always get their …animal, because they recently discovered a marijuana farm in Canada, that was being ran, …or more likely guarded,by at least 14 docile,yet wild black bears!!!(SOURCE) [picapp align=”center” wrap=”false” […]