Jerrybrice's Blog
The intersection of animation, entertainment, and politics

Posts Tagged ‘ted haggard

Prominent Televangelist Rev.Marcus Lamb Admits To Being Blackmailed for 7.5 Million Dollars Over An Old Affair!!!…Wife Says She’s Over It, Keep The Money!

December 1, 2010

Another prominent Christian televangelist has admitted to being involved in a sex scandal of some sort! This time, the Rev. Marcus Lamb and his wife Joni, of the Dallas, Texas-based Daystar Television Network, came on the television and confessed to the world that Marcus had cheated on his wife Joni, albeit years ago, and that […]

Another Pentecostal Mega-Church Bishop Comes Out Of The Closet As Being Gay…Is He A Hero Or Hypocrite?

October 31, 2010

The nephew of the outed deceased sexual predator preacher Earl Paulk, Bishop Jim Swilley of the Church in the Now in Rockdale County, Georgia, has come out of the closest as a practicing homosexual, after preaching religious doctrine against the gay lifestyle for many years.(Source) seems like hidden Christan sexual perversion runs in the family, […]

Gay Ga. Pastor Pledges To Fight Sex Allegations And Continue His Anti-Gay Crusades….In The Name Of The Lord!

September 26, 2010

Undercover Gay Ga. pastor Bishop Eddie Long said from the pulpit of his mega church Sunday, that he will fight allegations that he lured young men into sexual relationships, stressing that he’d be back to lead the church the next week.(AJC) [picapp align=”center” wrap=”false” link=”term=eddie+long&iid=9857556″ src=”″ width=”234″ height=”156″ /] He also made a point to […]

Church Leaders Meet to Talk About Bishop Long As A Fourth Male Lover Files A Sexual Abuse Lawsuit..And 30 More To Cum… Against Him!!!

September 25, 2010

A committee of homophobic anti-gay Atlanta-area church leaders met at a restaurant Friday to discuss the situation surrounding fellow pastor Eddie Long, who’s facing multiple lawsuits by men who claim he coerced them into sexual relationships when they were teenagers. [picapp align=”center” wrap=”false” link=”term=donnie+mcclurkin&iid=7815201″ src=”″ width=”234″ height=”290″ /] They want to urge him to step […]

Sexting-Bishop Eddie Long’s Homoerotic Gay Cell Phone Photos,…Making It Rain On The Little Boys!!!

September 23, 2010

The media and blogs are abuzz this morning as the media savvy attorney B.J. Bernstein has released a set of homoerotic photos of gay Bishop Eddie Long that he sent to the little boys that became men,under the grooming and sexual abuse conducted and perpetrated by false prophet Bishop Eddie Long.( You know things are […]

Bishop Eddie Long,Mega-Church Founder and Spiritual Leader To Thousands…Accused Of Gay Sexual Coercion Abuse Scandal!!!…Is He Preachin’ On The Down-Low?!?

September 21, 2010

Don’t ask,don’t tell…in the name of the lord indeed!!!(Source)…how ironic on a sad day today….(video) CNN is reporting that prominent Atlanta pastor Eddie Long, religious leader to thousands across the nation,has been accused by two Georgia men ,who have filed a lawsuit, claiming that Pastor Long coerced them into having gay sex with him!!!(CNN) Two separate […]