Jerrybrice's Blog
The intersection of animation, entertainment, and politics

Posts Tagged ‘montereypark ca

White ‘Neocon-Republican’ Teens Drive Over, Killing Black Man,James Craig Anderson,49,In Jackson, Mississippi… The Mission Was Hate: To Find And Hurt One Of My Black Brothers.

August 8, 2011

Why can’t we al..all races of men, just love each other as human beings,…and just agree to disagree on political issues,like gentlemen?!?!…short of killing each other????  “White power!”…and…. “I ran that nigger over…“was the last thing that murdered African-American male ,James Craig Anderson,49,heard, as the assailant was running him over with a pick up truck after […]

‘Post-Racial’American Hate Crimes Surge This Year Against Blacks, Gays, and Non-Christian Religous Groups

November 24, 2009

[picapp align=”center” wrap=”false” link=”term=civil+rights+murder&iid=1409782″ src=”2/0/7/2/40th_Anniversary_Of_03ba.jpg?adImageId=7801092&imageId=1409782″ width=”234″ height=”156″ /] The Neocon Republican Terrorist vision of a divided and segregated America, where everybody that is not a white Anglo-saxon Christian is considered cannon fodder and trash, is coming to fruition. It is reminiscent of the reaction to the new population of freed slaves that the white former […]