Jerrybrice's Blog
The intersection of animation, entertainment, and politics

Posts Tagged ‘hard

This Is What Those ‘Baby Bratz’ Dolls Have Created…Little Girls Dancing Way Too Sexy!!!…Why?(VIDEO)

May 14, 2010

Remember those highly inappropriate ‘Baby Bratz’ dolls that were very popular a short time ago?…You know those toys that were designed to look like 4 or 5-year-old little girls,… BUT had them dressed in mini-skirts,thongs,tight tops,lip stick,etc., etc???….Get it? …well, as expected, they did help lower the moral values for some parents of little girls, […]

Chris Brown Makes statement about Rhianna’s recent revelations about beating

November 6, 2009

[picapp src=”2/5/c/9/Chris_Brown_shovels_8463.jpg?adImageId=7169474&imageId=6544787″ width=”380″ height=”406″ /] MTV is reporting that women beater Chris Brown has released a statement about how he feels about Rhianna’s revelations about the specifics of her beating she received from him, and in a nutshell he expresses that he wishes that they remain private. I bet he does, because they are reprehensible…. Here […]