Jerrybrice's Blog
The intersection of animation, entertainment, and politics

Posts Tagged ‘march

Samuel Jackson Gives Mo’Nique’s Oscar Acceptance Speech The Salty ‘Side-Eye’ After She Fawns Over Her Husband…

March 8, 2010

After having to endure weeks of tacky reports about Mo’Nique’s ungodly  unconventional open marriage, and some ridiculous reasons why she won’t shave her grossly hairy legs because her husband has a ridiculous fetish for hairy legs!@*?!…and why WE have to look at them!!!… [picapp align=”center” wrap=”false” link=”term=mo%27nique&iid=8180861″ src=”a/1/c/c/25th_Annual_Film_9636.JPG?adImageId=11093964&imageId=8180861″ width=”234″ height=”379″ /] …we all can understand […]

Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day!!!

January 18, 2010

Today, our nation stopped to honor the late great civil rights leader,Martin Luther King Jr. on his birthday. Many cities held MLK Day parades and events in honor of the slain civil rights leader, and President Obama will host a conversation with a small group of African-American seniors and their grandchildren on the legacy of […]

‘Post-Racial’American Hate Crimes Surge This Year Against Blacks, Gays, and Non-Christian Religous Groups

November 24, 2009

[picapp align=”center” wrap=”false” link=”term=civil+rights+murder&iid=1409782″ src=”2/0/7/2/40th_Anniversary_Of_03ba.jpg?adImageId=7801092&imageId=1409782″ width=”234″ height=”156″ /] The Neocon Republican Terrorist vision of a divided and segregated America, where everybody that is not a white Anglo-saxon Christian is considered cannon fodder and trash, is coming to fruition. It is reminiscent of the reaction to the new population of freed slaves that the white former […]

The KKK and Wal-Mart in Memphis join forces and support a 15 year sentence for cutting in line down in Dixieland…

November 19, 2009 Another year in America, and another slew of racially motivated, manipulated and biased application of the laws.Why am I not surprised that a small southern town in the South could over prosecute a crime that generally only garners a slap on the wrist, and a stern talking to. Our ugly American tradition of prosecuting […]

Depressed Dad Who Falsely Accused Michael Jackson of Molesting his son,…is Done!

November 18, 2009

[picapp src=”6/5/c/0/PicImg_Michael_Jackson_press_0bef.JPG?adImageId=7618782&imageId=4167213″ width=”234″ height=”233″ /] Evan Chandler has finally learned that chickens always come home to roost. In life he was never forced to answer his crime of extortion and slander that he committed on the late King of Pop, when he forced his son to lie about an alledged molestation that Michael Jackson had committed […]

Twin Brothers Indicted In a Racist Bombing Conspiracy Targeting Black American Freedom Fighters

November 8, 2009

[picapp src=”b/2/c/1/KKK_rally_in_47b3.jpg?adImageId=7238294&imageId=2394290″ width=”380″ height=”305″ /] Twin White supremacist from Illinois mailed a bomb to an Arizona official responsible for recruiting and hiring minorities in the town of Scottsdale,Arizona, according to federal prosecutor. In indictment unsealed in July, Dennis and Daniel Mahon were charged with conspiring to blow up buildings and property in an attempt to ”promote racial […]

Should Joe Jackson Recieve Money From Dead Son Michael’s Estate,Given That Michael Did Not Mention Him In His Will?

November 7, 2009

[picapp src=”4/0/a/e/PicImg_RESTRICTION_APPLYA_huge_a6b2.jpg?adImageId=7211615&imageId=4179739″ width=”380″ height=”508″ /] [picapp src=”a/0/3/9/Johnny_Brenden_Presents_a1ba.jpg?adImageId=7211568&imageId=6928068″ width=”234″ height=”342″ /] It is very clear that Michael Jackson did not want to leave any of his money to his father, or any other family member, because they were not mentioned in his last will and testament. It is a sad reality,one that I would be embarrassed […]

Ex-NBA Star Investigated For Rudely Groping Women in Miami

October 19, 2009

[picapp src=”7/5/4/4/PicImg_Elaine_Langcaster_Dennis_f5cf.JPG?adImageId=6210319&imageId=4386425″ width=”380″ height=”575″ /] The ”Worm” Dennis Rodman has been caught with his tentacles in the wrong crotch. A woman accused former NBA star Dennis Rodman of touching her inappropriately at a nightclub in Miami Beach early Friday, Miami Beach police said. According to an incident report, the woman said she was at LIV nightclub […]