Jerrybrice's Blog
The intersection of animation, entertainment, and politics

S.Korean Couple Cite ‘Internet Addiction’ As An Excuse For Starving Their Baby To Death!!!

The addictive Prius On-Line Game

The addictive Prius On-Line Game

A South Korean couple, is on trial for the starving their baby to death,while pulling alternating 12 hour shifts at a local internet cafe, playing the online, “Second Life” style game “Prius Online”, a 3-D fantasy game in which players ironically raise an online girl who gains magic powers as she is nurtured and grows older.

Kim Jae-beom, 40, and his common-law wife, Kim Yun-jeong, 25, will be sentenced on April 16 for the negligent death of their infant child.

The police say that the couple became addicted to playing the internet game when they lost their will to live, due to an over reaction to unemployment,financial and personal business failures.They became obsessed with escaping the bleak reality of their actual life by immersing all of their time, attention and resources into playing the game, and raising their virtual child.

They reportedly would only feed the infant in-between shifts!!!

The BBC reports that….South Korea boasts the fastest average broadband speeds in the world.

There are some two million internet addicts in the country, according to the government, which recently announced a series of measures to tackle the problem.(SOURCE)

The reality of their trial and subsequent conviction and imprisonment will surely bring these two addicts back to reality…step away from the video game!!!!

[picapp align=”center” wrap=”false” link=”term=internet+cafe&iid=960879″ src=”b/b/7/6/Chinese_Youngers_Play_1a46.jpg?adImageId=12029398&imageId=960879″ width=”234″ height=”157″ /]

Read more on this story here…


2 Responses to “S.Korean Couple Cite ‘Internet Addiction’ As An Excuse For Starving Their Baby To Death!!!”

  1. See, it’s idiotic people like that, that put video gamers in a bad light.

    Once enough of these types of people start popping up, everyone’s going to start assuming that stuff like this is a LIKELY CONSEQUENCE of playing video games on a more-than-average basis when it isn’t.

    It’s nice to be aware of risks and to see how bad it can get so that it can be avoided, but not when the news of it puts people who don’t understand the hobby on the defensive because of it.

  2. So sad to see these people escaping reality and unconsciously taking their own child’s life because of it.

    Playing online games is not bad, but getting addicted to the peak that it totally changes your life [or affects the people around you] is just wrong.

    lol smashbrolink commented!xD

    [peace out]

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